Sunday, October 14, 2012


I havent written much lately because I've been trying to spend a little more time with my friends and family but today I decided to take some time to spend time with all of you.... I've had some good days and some bad days but lately on my bad days have been a bit more emotional for me.  I seem to be feeling more tired of feeling this way. I'm tired of being sick.  I've said it many times... I'm sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. But my good days are lasting a bit longer.  I've been taking long weekends from work and it seems to be helping.  I love that my family, friends, coworkers and even bosses are so good to me. I'm blessed, I truly am. This is a tough journey... but it helps to have a good support system. Thank you to all that are following my journey... 

A special thanks to my Fibro Fighterz ( that have given me a special opportunity to be a part of their Admin group and share my journey and follow in theirs.


  1. I know what you mean. My pain started not long after I met my now husband. So I've been in pain for 8 years now, as long as we've been together. The last 2 years have been very bad chronic pain from fibromyalgia. I'm tired of being in pain, tired of having to fight the pain everyday, tired of pushing myself just to move let alone go to work every day. I've connected with other fibro fighters (I love Fibro Fighterz site!!) and that's helped me feel less isolated. It's great to talk to others who know exactly what you're going through. Chronic pain is a harsh teacher. I've learned and changed and think I'm a better person now, but it's a hard journey like you say. We have to balance so much. I feel like I have all these plates spinning in the air and it takes everything I have to keep them spinning, to keep my head above water. Hang in there! You aren't fighting this fight alone.

    I blog about my experiences with fibromyalgia at . I hope you'll check me out. I like your blog. Thanks!

  2. Yes I couldnt have described it better myself... your theory of the plates fits perfectly. The hardest part is when one of those plates stops spinning and to start all over is such chaos. I will most definitely check out your blog! Thanks for sharing! :)
