Friday, January 11, 2013

It's just one of those days...

Slowly... but surely

So my days haven't exactly been easy lately.  I am tired. I'm not sure where I'm going with anything.. not even this post.  I just do what I can to get through my day sometimes a little less.  My spoons are running on an all time low recently.  I think its time to go back to the Dr but I'd decided about a month ago I was done with Drs and was giving myself a long I'm gonna tough it out a little longer.  Everyone of us needs those few weeks of no drs, no exams, no medication changes...

Well I haven't updated my results from the last appointment and I guess that's one of the major reasons I've had it with Drs. So here goes.... I have a bulging disc in my neck and cervical spine stenosis.  Apparently my neck is much older than the rest of my body and my discs are obstructing the nerve canal and in turn the nerves that dictate my arms and upper body.  As per my neurologist, at this point surgery is not needed (because there's not much they can do) this illness is apparently degenerative so I don't expect to get better. The only think he can do is control the inflammation and pain--obviously through medication.  I've been taking some pain medication but I refuse to depend on it. Therapy is an option but its not a resolution so at this point I've decide to wait on it.

So for now, I'll just take one day at a time...

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year affirmations NOT resolutions.

I don't believe in New Year resolutions but I do however believe in New Year Affirmations! New Year = New Attitude!

Use your thoughts to overcome this constant struggle and succeed with dignity. Talk is cheap. Thoughts require no cost. However, both have great power.

So TODAY (and everyday) think and speak:
Today, I WILL feel better.
Today, my body will NOT dominate my soul
Today, I have strength.

Although I have shed many tears, I KNOW I am strong!
Today, I will not allow my pain and fatigue to violate my spirit.


Fibro ♥ Mireya