Monday, August 27, 2012


Tic Toc... That's all I hear.... The more I try to sleep, the more difficult it becomes.  It's like my brain decides to wake up at the moment my body decides it needs rest.  The sensation of my body giving out on me is so much stronger when I cant sleep... My neck makes it impossible to rest.  I have a profound envy for those that just close their eyes and find a restful sleep... It doesn't even matter if I sleep, my body will still be exhausted in the morning.  They say that us Fibromites skip stage 4 of sleep... meaning the stage where we enjoy deep sleep.  We tend to go directly into stage 5 which is the REM sleep and dreaming. Sometimes knowing this scares me... my dreams are so vivid and real that it makes waking out of them priceless but highly difficult. Nowadays it seems my brain is more and more active.  I'm soooo tired but I'm scared of closing my eyes and waking up to the dreadful anxiety that are my mornings...

For those of you that can enjoy your sleep, don't take it for granted. May you all have a restful night...

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